Acoustic Server Racks: Track the decibel and proof it!
Noise- A factor that has for long been an essential aspect in server racks. In this article, we have attempted to collate and help you understand noise, its effects, and the best ways to implement noise cancellation techniques in server racks. Understanding noise What is perceived as sound to one is noise to another! However, as much as noise is a perspective, it is essential to note that the human ear can handle and manage a maximum of 85 decibels before it destroys the hearing ability. The difference between sound and noise in physics is not defined as the brain processes this. However, noise or sound is- An invisible yet most effective way of communicating specific information. Research shows that prolonged exposure to excessive noise leads to severe damage to the human body and mind. 5 effects of excessive noise: Steep loss in productivity due to hampered creativity and streamlined cognitive functioning.Lack of innovation
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