Power Distribution Unit Tag

5 Great reasons to use Good quality PDUs for your Data Center “Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of intelligent effort." - John Ruskin The quality of a product determines future sustainability and success. A good quality power distribution unit (PDU) is the key to ensuring a reliable power supply since it is the heart of rack solutions. This is important because a low-quality PDU adversely affects the safety of critical equipment. Hence it is essential to choose a PDU with good quality that will support the power consumption of the equipment hosted inside the rack. This will prevent accidental tripping and reduce the chance of equipment downtime. A Certified PDU must also be equipped with a Surge Suppressor to minimize the effect of voltage fluctuation. Such PDU increases dependability in the long run. Quality and suitability of PDUs Now, along with determining the quality of a PDU, it is essential to